82 W. Main Street Northborough, MA 01532

Porcelain Veneers Northborough, MA

You can have the smile you’ve always dreamed of by getting porcelain veneers in Northborough, MA! Dr. Robert Gauthier uses porcelain veneers to cosmetically enhance his patient’s smiles at Apex Dental.

Porcelain veneers are a thin shell of tooth-like material that we apply to the tooth’s front surface to create a natural-looking smile.

Veneers can treat a single tooth or can be part of a total smile makeover. The thin shell or porcelain adheres to the prepared tooth to create a secure fit.

Patients enjoy a beautiful, natural smile that will last for many years after getting porcelain veneers. As a permanent cosmetic dental care restoration, porcelain veneers can address a range of cosmetic oral health concerns.

Porcelain Veneers in Northborough, Massachusetts

Cosmetic Porcelain Veneers with Dr. Gauthier

Dental veneers treat teeth that are crooked, damaged, discolored, worn, or misshapen. They can also address gaps between teeth. Dr. Gauthier is one of the first dentists in the Northborough, MA area to use CEREC and CEREC InLab advanced dental technology.

This will allow him to fabricate the porcelain veneers and place them on the same visit. Typically, this process involves at least two visits to the office, made in an off-site dental lab, but with the use of our modern technology, we can complete this process in half the time.

What Do Porcelain Veneers Treat?

Porcelain veneers have become increasingly popular because they can treat almost any cosmetic dental issue. When you have discolored teeth, professional teeth whitening is usually the preferred treatment method.

However, not all staining and discoloration respond to traditional whitening treatment. Porcelain veneers cover the front and sides of the tooth. We also color-match them to be the shade of white that you desire so that they blend in seamlessly with the rest of your smile.

As we get older, our teeth wear down more and more with age. Some lifestyle habits, including drinking deeply colored beverages and the use of tobacco products, can cause the teeth to wear down more quickly than normal.

Cosmetic chips and breaks are common as the years go by as well. Porcelain veneers are a great way to treat these issues and take years off the age of your smile. We match them to the size and shape of the rest of your teeth so that they give you a natural look.

Porcelain veneers can even treat gaps between teeth. Gaps are unsightly and can also be an issue when you’re chewing. Porcelain veneers are a great way to close these gaps. Every veneer is custom-made to perfectly match your smile. We match the shape and size of your teeth, closing the tooth gaps in a way that looks natural but perfects your smile.

The Porcelain Veneer Procedure

To achieve a natural look, Dr. Gauthier conducts a thorough evaluation, considering all of your facial features, and prepares a personalized plan that addresses your dental health needs and cosmetic desires. Utilizing dental imaging, Dr. Gauthier allows you to “see” your smile before the procedure is even performed.

Then, to prepare your teeth for the veneers, we remove a thin layer of tooth enamel from the tooth during the first part of the process. This will create room in your mouth for the veneers and a better bonding surface to blend in perfectly with the rest of your smile.

Dental images and impressions will be taken using technology in our office, and then we will design the custom porcelain veneers to match the shape and size of your teeth. Veneers are custom-designed using state-of-the-art dental materials that mimic natural teeth. We color-match the veneers to adjacent teeth and shape them to look natural.

Using CAD/CAM and CEREC technology, Dr. Gauthier is able to plan, create, and fabricate the teeth veneers in one visit to our Northborough, MA office. The CEREC InLab gives Dr. Gauthier the ability to have the equivalent of a commercial dental laboratory right in his office.

When they are ready and you have approved the way they look, Dr. Gauthier will permanently secure the porcelain veneer to each tooth with a strong adhesive and check for color and a comfortable fit.

Our goal is for each of our patients to leave our office with a restored smile that they are confident and happy with. If you experience prolonged discomfort or think that your veneers may not fit correctly after leaving our office, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

We are happy to examine your veneers to ensure they fit and match your teeth perfectly. We also recommend that patients schedule regular oral examinations so we can keep up with the health of their veneers and their overall smile.

A good at-home oral hygiene routine is crucial to the longevity of your veneers and the health of your entire mouth. 

Porcelain Veneers: Before and After

Porcelain Veneers Northborough MA

Porcelain Veneer FAQs

Do you have further questions about porcelain veneers in our Northborough, MA, dental office? Continue reading to find answers to frequently asked questions about veneers below:

Are porcelain veneers a permanent cosmetic treatment?

Yes. Dental veneers are a permanent dental restoration that can last many years with proper oral hygiene. If you are unable or not yet ready to commit to dental veneers, ask your Apex dentist about alternative cosmetic treatments.

How many porcelain veneers do I need?

During your dental consultation, we will determine how many veneers you require. We will examine your teeth and consider your cosmetic goals to find the right number of veneers. Often, we will recommend an even number of veneers. Patients can receive two, four, or eight veneers to cover the teeth in their smile line.

What are the alternatives to porcelain veneers?

Dental veneers are permanent dental restoration. Patients unable or unwilling to commit to porcelain veneers may choose dental bonding. Dental bonding is a composite material that we apply directly to the tooth and shape it to blend naturally with your smile. You can reverse and replace bonding material with a dental veneer later on.

Can my porcelain veneers become discolored?

No. Porcelain veneers do not stain or become discolored like natural teeth. Porcelain is incredibly stain-resistant and will remain that way for some time. It is highly unlikely that your porcelain veneers will permanently stain. There is no process for whitening porcelain veneers.

How long can I expect my porcelain veneers to last?

On average, porcelain veneers can last for 15 years. Your dental restorations can last a lifetime when you practice excellent oral hygiene, daily brushing, and flossing. Even though porcelain veneers are extremely strong and chip-resistant, they aren’t invincible. Just like natural teeth, they can take on damage.

Can porcelain veneers break?

Veneers are highly durable. However, bad habits like nail biting, chewing on ice, or using teeth to open things can crack or chip veneers. Additionally, you can damage your veneers if you experience nightly teeth clenching and grinding. If you have a significant break in your restoration, we will help you replace your veneers. 

What is the difference between porcelain and composite veneers?

Both types of veneers can blend in with your natural tooth color. Composite veneers are less expensive and can be applied in a single visit. However, porcelain veneers are more durable and stain-resistant. Porcelain veneers also typically last longer than composite veneers. 

What can’t I eat with veneers?

Veneers are stain-resistant, but we still recommend consuming coffee and tea in moderation. They are also durable, so you can eat hard and crunchy foods. However, while you wait for your final veneers, we will provide temporary veneers. These veneers are not as durable and use a temporary adhesive, so you must be more careful as you wear them for several weeks. 

To care for your temporary veneers, avoid hard and crunchy foods. Soft foods can prevent the material from chipping or cracking. 

Schedule a Dental Exam and Consultation

Do porcelain veneers in the Shrewsbury, Northborough, and Westborough, MA, areas sound right for you? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert J. Gauthier Jr. He offers many cosmetic dentistry treatments. Please call (508) 506-1691 or schedule an appointment online to learn more.
